The #1 High School and University Resource for Ontario Students
Ontario CU Succeed Youth Bursary

Scholarship Value $3,000

Number of Scholarships 50

5The Foundation provides funding for the CU Succeed Youth Bursary program open to resident Ontario post-secondary students in need of financial assistance for academic, technological, or vocational training.

The bursary will be awarded based primarily on two criteria: demonstrated financial need, and community involvement.

When reviewing the application, we also consider:

  • Applicants (or their parent) must belong to a credit union which is a member of Ontario Credit Union Foundation (listing here). To receive an award the award recipient must have a credit union account.
  • Youth is defined as age 25 or less by June 30, of the application year. (Prior bursary recipients continuing their studies are eligible beyond age 25.)
  • Programs of study may be academic, vocational, or technical at an accredited post-secondary institution in Canada or abroad.
  • Available to those pursuing a college diploma, undergraduate degree, or red seal. [Support individuals seeking their first bachelor’s degree only.]
  • Acceptable grades (65% or higher) are required.
  • Applicants must be Ontario residents and Canadian citizen or have permanent residence status.
  • Graduate and post-graduate students are not eligible.

Award Amounts:

Awards range from $1,000 to $3,000. We are distributing $100,000 in 2025.

Selection and Award Process:

  1. The Awards Committee will review all applications and take into consideration the demonstrated financial need, community involvement, personal statement of special circumstances, grades, etc. All decisions are final and will be conveyed in an email.
  2. If a Foundation award is approved, it will be disbursed directly to your personal credit union account.
  3. You may be asked to attend your local branch for a photographic presentation which may be used in the Foundation’s and/or credit union’s newsletter or on the website as this is a means of showing the donors their contributions are at work.

Application Process:

  1. Applications are to be submitted online by the timetable deadlines noted below. There are absolutely no extensions.
  2. All content on the application is deemed important, but special attention will be given to your video or 500-word essay on why you should receive a bursary from OCUF.
  3. Please note the two requested letters of reference must be from an independent third party (i.e. school teacher, employer, coach, etc.)


Applications open April 30, 2025.

Applications will close at 11:59 pm June 30, 2025.

Applications for the CU Succeed Youth Bursary are now closed. Link for next year will be available here April 2025.