The #1 High School and University Resource for Ontario Students
Four Directions Scholarships

Scholarship Value $1,000

Number of Scholarships 4

Four scholarships of $1000.00 each will be awarded annually to graduating aboriginal (Status, Non-status, Métis and Inuit) secondary school/adult students. These awards are administered by the Ontario Native Education Counselling Association.


  • Student of aboriginal ancestry graduating from an Ontario Secondary School with O.S.S.D of the current school year (proof of ancestry may include a status card, Métis card, or a letter from an elder, community member, or official).
  • Good academic standing throughout the school year.
  • 75% overall average in graduating year
  • Proceeding into a post-secondary institution full-time program
  • Involvement in the community and/or school extra-curricular activities.
  • Recommended by Secondary School, First Nation Community or Education Counsellor.
  • Leadership qualities, dedication and good attendance.


Application forms are available from a First Nation Education office, an Education Counsellor or from the ONECA office at (705)692-2999. Applications will only be processed after all of the following has been received:

  • Final Transcripts.
  • Letter of Recommendation.
  • Copy of acceptance letter from post-secondary institution.
  • Proof of Aboriginal Ancestry (see criteria)
  • Bio and one paragraph describing how a scholarship would assist you
  • Copies of awards, diplomas or other supporting documents.
  • Final report card
  • A recent photo
  • Signed release form that allows us to post your name and picture to the website
  • Signed authorization form agreeing to allow the post-secondary institution to release information regarding your attendance at the time the awards are selected.


The four scholarships will be forwarded to the recipients and special recognition will be given to the award winners on the ONECA website