Scholarship Value $2,000
Number of Scholarships 4
Nicole LeClair is a Red Seal welder, welding educator, engineering technologist, inspector, and one of the first students awarded a CWB Welding Foundation student award in 2001.
The Nicole LeClair Welding Bursary was created in 2019 to support welding students pursuing welding or a welding-related skilled trade at the post-secondary education level at a publically funded post-secondary school within Ontario. Applicants must be residents of Ontario to be eligible to apply.
Bursaries will be paid directly to the post-secondary institution of which the applicant is registered to offset student tuition and fees.
This award is supported by LeClair’s personal funds and other charitable donations. Contributions from individuals or organizations are encouraged and a tax receipt will be issued from the Nicole LeClair Welding Bursary fund. You can donate and learn more here.
The CWB Welding Foundation is more than pleased to support this award.