Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies
SIIT is governed by Saskatchewan?s First Nations but also operates within the Saskatchewan provincial post-secondary system. SIIT was first established in 1976 as the Saskatchewan Indian Community College. In 1985, the operational name of the college was changed to the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, as determined by the Legislative Assembly of the FSIN. Thus SIIT became one of the first First Nation-controlled post-secondary institutes in Canada.SIIT initially delivered adult academic upgrading, introductory skills and trades, and basic management training to First Nations adults throughout the province. The programming mixture has evolved to include certified technical, vocational and trade programming. More recently, SIIT continues to develop unique programming to meet the growing vocational and technical training needs of all the First Nation communities.
On July 1, 2000, provincial legislation in the Province of Saskatchewan recognized SIIT as a post-secondary institution by way of the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies Act. The SIIT Act has given the institution recognition from both the Indian and non- Indian communities. This new legislation will assist First Nations students in the transfer of credits to other post-secondary institutions and to have their certificates and diplomas recognized at the provincial level by both First Nation and non-First Nation employers.
Saskatchewan Universities
- Bethany College - Hepburn , Saskatchewan
- Briercrest Bible College and Seminary - Caronport , Saskatchewan
- Campion College - Regina , Saskatchewan
- Carlton Trail Regional College - Humboldt , Saskatchewan
- Cumberland Regional College - Nipawin , Saskatchewan
- First Nations University of Canada - Regina , Saskatchewan
- Great Plains College - Biggar , Saskatchewan
- Luther College - Regina , Saskatchewan
- North West Regional College - North Battleford , Saskatchewan
- Northlands College - Air Ronge , Saskatchewan
- Parkland Regional College - Melville , Saskatchewan
- Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology - Saskatoon , Saskatchewan
- Southeast Regional College - Weyburn , Saskatchewan
- St. Thomas More College - Saskatoon , Saskatchewan
- The University of Regina - Regina , Saskatchewan
- The University of Saskatchewan - Saskatoon , Saskatchewan